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Inspiration & Aesthetic Examples

Campaign Brief

Campaign Brief: User-Generated Content Marketing Campaign for a CBD Brand

The objective of this campaign is to leverage user-generated content (UGC) to promote our CBD brand and engage with our audience on Instagram. By encouraging our customers to share their experiences and stories related to our CBD products, we aim to build brand authenticity, drive user engagement, and increase brand awareness within the CBD community.

Target Audience:
Our target audience comprises health-conscious individuals who are interested in natural remedies, wellness, and self-care. They are likely to be active on social media, specifically Instagram, and are open to exploring alternative solutions for health and relaxation.

Key Message:
Our CBD products offer natural relief and wellness solutions, and we want to hear your experiences! Share how our products have positively impacted your life and help us spread the word about the benefits of CBD.

Campaign Elements:
1. Hashtag: Create a unique campaign hashtag that embodies the essence of our brand and encourages users to share their CBD experiences. Examples: #MyCBDJourney, #CBDStories, #NaturalWellness.

2. Call-to-Action (CTA): Encourage users to share their experiences with our CBD products by asking them to use the campaign hashtag in their posts and tag our brand’s official Instagram account. Promote the CTA through captions, visuals, and relevant CBD-related content.

3. Incentives: To encourage participation and reward our customers, offer incentives such as a chance to win free CBD products, exclusive discounts, or a feature on our brand’s Instagram account.

4. Content Guidelines: Provide clear guidelines for the type of content we are seeking. Examples include:

a. Photos: Encourage users to share high-quality images of our products in their everyday lives, showcasing how CBD fits into their wellness routines.

b. Testimonials: Ask users to share written or video testimonials about how our CBD products have improved their well-being. Encourage them to include specific details, such as the product used, benefits experienced, and any lifestyle changes observed.

c. Lifestyle Shots: Encourage users to capture moments of relaxation, self-care, or activities that align with our brand’s values while using our CBD products.

5. Engagement and Interaction: Monitor the campaign hashtag closely and engage with participants by liking, commenting, and sharing their content. Respond to questions, provide support, and express gratitude for their contributions. Create a sense of community and foster dialogue among participants.

6. Repurposing UGC: Seek permission from participants to repurpose their UGC on our official Instagram account, website, and other marketing channels. Curate and share the most compelling content to showcase real-life experiences and testimonials.

7. Influencer Collaboration: Collaborate with relevant influencers or micro-influencers in the CBD or wellness space. Provide them with our CBD products and encourage them to share their authentic experiences using the campaign hashtag. This will help amplify the campaign’s reach and attract a wider audience.

The campaign will run for four weeks, allowing ample time for users to participate, engage, and share their experiences. Promote the campaign regularly throughout the duration to maintain momentum and generate ongoing participation.

Measurement and Success Metrics:
Track the following metrics to gauge the success of the campaign:

– Number of posts using the campaign hashtag
– Reach and impressions of the campaign hashtag
– Engagement rates (likes, comments, and shares)
– Increase in brand mentions and followers
– Web traffic and sales generated during the campaign period

Remember to comply with all relevant regulations and guidelines related to CBD marketing and ensure that all user-generated content aligns with legal and ethical standards.

Note: This is a general campaign brief outline. Please tailor and modify it as per your specific CBD brand, target audience, and marketing objectives.

🎂 Min. Age:


👀 Min. Audience:


👍 Min. Engagement Rate:


📲 Platform:


🔢 # of Creators Accepted:


💰 Compensation Type:

Gift Card

💲 Payment Amount:


🤳 Requested Post Type:

Image Feed Post

🚀 Content Niches:

Adult 18+ Adult 21+ CBD and Cannabis Motocross Snowboarding Skateboarding BMX Mountain Biking Health and Fitness

📍 Location:


🔎 State Specific:

Arkansas, Washington, New Jersey